Any blog reader knows the most dreaded post to come across: blogging about not blogging. Most read like guilt-ridden confessions of the most boring of offenses. I'm tempted, but will focus on the state blogging instead.
Charles Arthur from The Guardian wrote an article last month about the mass exodus from the blogosphere (excerpt below):
As Chris notes, this makes sense. People are busy, twitter is easy. But while the idea of everyone having a blog hasn't panned out, he writes that the "short head of blogging thrives." A quick scan of planning's most popular - and lively- blogs (Russell, Ed, Gareth, Mark, Faris) show this is certainly the case.
So basically, the state of blogging is leaning towards quality over quantity. Which is a nice lead in to my new blogging resolution: one post a week. With lots of status updates in between, of course.
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